What is an Aquifer?
An underground layer of water-bearing permeable rock or unconsolidated materials (gravel, sand, or silt) from which groundwater can be extracted using a water well.
What is RWH and why should I do it?
Rain water harvesting means collecting rain water and holding or storing it for future use. Storage can be done in underground tanks, in open ponds or as ground water.
Does Rain Water Harvesting work?
Yes and now more and more people are reviving this age-old system and practicing it very successfully.
How much will it cost?
Cost depends on the area to be used for rain water harvesting. Residential rain water harvesting will be low cost and relatively simple. Commercial rain water harvesting systems, typically used for companies or entire colonies, are custom built and will cost more.
Can I harvest rain over my own house?
Yes you can. Structures to harvest rain require little space. A dried bore well, a row of soak pits or a tank concealed below the ground-are all that you need. The open spaces -rooftops and ground -can be used as your catchment (surface to catch rain).
Why it is beneficial to employ Rain Water Harvesting?
Apart from personal benefits, you get clean and plentiful water to use. Groundwater in and surrounding area will be recharged which can be pumped out during dry season. Since ground water moves, your neighbourhood will see significant benefits too. So for best results, get all your neighbours to become rainwater harvesters as well. Ample supply of water will ensure there is enough water for trees and plants planted around your property which can provide intangible benefits like increase in quality of life.
Does it require a lot of maintenance?
Once or twice a year, at very little cost. A properly maintained rain water harvesting system can be beneficial forever. This is about making water, most precious resource on earth, our priority and to ensure we pass on a safe and sustainable world to future generations. Harvest rain.
How does groundwater move?
Groundwater moves through small openings found in rocks and sediments under the influence of gravity. This natural phenomenon allows surface water and groundwater generally to move from higher elevations to lower elevations.
Do I need a permit for my well?
It depends. All wells with surface casing diameters 6 inches or greater generally require groundwater withdrawal permits. However, all wells, regardless of size, that will be used for domestic purposes are excluded from permitting. If you are unsure whether or not a well requires a permit, please contact the various agencies: CGWA, GPCB, CPCB, MOEF, GIDC.
What is hard water?
Hard water is contains dissolved hardness minerals like Calcium and Magnesium in amounts greater than 1 grain per gallon (approximately 64 grams per 3.8 liters). Hard water may have long terms health effects like Kidney stone. Hard Water in industrial use causes much more harm to equipments.
What is recharge well?
Basically it is the direct opposite of a pumping well. A recharge well pushes back surface water into the groundwater system.